Horse Quiz Bowl

Compete and Increase Your Knowledge
This team activity helps 4-Hers increase their knowledge of horses and the Texas 4-H Horse Project.

Teams of three or four use a game show format where they buzz-in their answers to questions against another team. Questions have to do with anatomy, nutrition, genetics, reproduction, history and rules and regulations. This is a great part of the Johnson County 4-H Horse Project and Johnson County teams have always been very competitive and have excelled at the district, state, and national level.

You do not need to own a horse to be on the Judging Team, the Horse Bowl Team or the Hippology Team.

Both the junior and senior teams compete at the San Antonio Livestock and Expo contest in February every year. A scholarship has been offered at the San Antonio contest to the winning senior team for the last 6 years. For the last two years this has given each team member a $4000.00 scholarship, some have earned up to $10,000.00 overall. Who says that the horse project doesn't pay?

Tara Meier, Quiz Bowl coach

Tara Meier
[email protected]

First practice for the Junior team will be at the Extension office meeting room on Tuesday September 13 at 4:30pm
Senior team will be announced later